Books about RÄ“covery
Here are a few books that I've read on recovery topics. When appropriate, I will include comments on how these publications helped, hurt, or otherwise affected me relative to my addiction(s), acting out, and recovery. As of now, I am receiving no compensation for the reviews or the links, so they are offered here simply in the hope that this collection can be of value to others on the Road. I prefer purchasing books like this from service organizations directly as I presume that generates more revenue for their programs, but, unless noted, these are all available through multiple retailers.
OUT of the
– Patrick Carnes, PhD.​

This is the first book I ever read on sex addiction, and I've learned that it is often the first book that is recommended to new members of the fellowship who are struggling to even answer the question of whether they are an addict. It is powerful and compelling. However, it also triggered me by giving me ideas on new ways to act out, since I had not yet committed to a program, or even to stop. That is just a cautionary tale; the author is often credited with developing much of the modern thinking on the subject, and the book is a must-read!
The "Green Book"
of Sex Addicts Anonymous®
– SAA Fellowship

This is the 'official' text of Sex Addicts Anonymous. Borrowing liberally from the "Big Book" of Alcoholics Anonymous, it is crafted specifically for those struggling with sex addiction, and for those groups who want to follow the guides and lessons of SAA. I have found this and other books in various formats and at multiple locations; these links are provided for your convenience.
You can also read the Green Book (and other recovery publications) online for free on the SAA website.
Click these links for prices and availability:
SAA Direct • Amazon • Audible • Kindle
Answers in the Heart: Daily Meditations for
Men and Women Recovering from
Sex Addiction
– Anonymous
Part of a Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Meditation series, this is the first book I used for daily devotions after committing to recovery. Most of the journal entries during my first year of sobriety were written after reading these meditations each morning. You will likely see common themes between my posts on this website and this book if you read them both in the same sitting. I was routinely jolted by the 'coincidence' of the topics in this book and the timing of the struggles with which I was wrestling. I highly recommend these pages to your meditation routine.
Click these links for prices and availability:
Hazelden Direct • Amazon • Kindle
Voices of Recovery
– SAA Fellowship
This is the second of my daily meditation books. Most of my journal entries from year two were written after reading the daily voices here. This book is not the work of a single person. Numerous individuals have donated their time and talents to writing, reading, selecting, and editing meditations. Each meditation is a reflection of the individual member's own experience, strength, and hope in their own recovery process. It is a very different dynamic from the "Answers in the Heart" book; AITH was written in more of the traditional 'we' verbiage, while VOR is much more personal.
Click these links for prices and availability:
SAA Direct • Amazon • Kindle
Freedom from our Addictions
– Russel Brand

Funny, provocative, vulgar, informative, and life-changing. I can't think of too many books that I would describe this way, but Brand's unique humor and inside perspective from the brain of a serious addict qualifies. I lost count of the number of times I would say, "Hell, yeah, that's me he's talking about." Then there were the moments of pain when I took no pleasure in seeing myself in his story. The only issue/question I have about Brand's approach, is the call for anonymity in traditional 12 Step programs. I have no trouble accepting that his crash-and-burns have been so public that it was a natural turn for him to take. I just hope the added pressure of being 'this' guy publicly is not more than he can handle, for all our sakes.
Mending a Shattered Heart: A Guide for Partners of Sex Addicts by
– Dr. Stefanie Carnes
Straightforward. Practical. Safe. We listened to the audiobook version and the reader was comfortable and the information consumable. As I mentioned in a post (August 9th, Data Surprise), we wish we had listened to or read this book in the early days after my disclosure. To be clear, this is a book for the spouse or partner of the addict, but it was also very informative to me listening quietly and waiting for her to hit the pause button and pursue a question or idea generated by Dr. Carnes.
A practical Guide for New Members of SAA
– ISO of SAA, Inc.

Published by the International Service Organization of Sex Addicts Anonymous, this is more of a pamphlet than a book, but I'm including it here as a basic and important tool for people new to recovery and SAA. There are about 20 similar pamphlets available on the SAA website. Each of them is a quick read that cuts to the heart of its respective topic, such as the Three Circles, A Group Guide, and Intimacy Avoidance. While these can be read for free on the SAA Direct website below, the pamphlets can also be downloaded for a small fee (which helps support the common good:).