Since July 26, 2021
Monday Men's Meeting
of Sex Addicts Anonymous®
CHAIR AGENDA Updated 18Nov24
Begin the meeting promptly at 4:30.
Good day, and welcome to the Monday Men's Meeting of Sex Addicts Anonymous.
My name is [......], and I am a sex addict and I'm serving as your Chair today.For the safety of our group, this meeting is closed to outsiders and those who are merely curious. However, anyone who thinks they may have this problem will be welcome, as long as the anonymity of those persons attending the meeting is respected.
In just a moment, we will be reading from the SAA Green Book. If you would like to participate in the readings, you can access these select encouragements—and other resources—at www.MondayMen.ORG.
​​Let us begin the meeting with a moment of silence and the Serenity Prayer.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
(Start Screensharing)
Our tradition in this meeting is to share 3-5 readings from the Green Book of SAA, as selected from the list on the screen. Everyone is encouraged to participate regardless of their time in the program.
Is there a volunteer to read #1, or your choice of readings?
(Stop screensharing)
Welcome, Everyone!
If this is your first visit to this meeting, we would appreciate you introducing yourself by First name, Last initial, where you are from, and a bit about what brought you here today. Newcomers are welcome to share as much or as little about themselves as they like; you are also encouraged to participate in the meeting as much as you may be comfortable.
Phone Calls
Making and receiving phone calls can be an important benefit of being in a recovery group. If you would like to receive calls, texts, or emails from your brothers, please put your contact information into the chat section. ​
We also have a texting group for this MondayMen meeting using the GroupMe app. You can find the link to that group on our website, at MondayMen.org, and we'll post the link to both the app and the website in the chat section during this meeting.
In this program, we take time to recognize those who have reached particular milestones of consecutive clean time. Is there anyone here who is marking a milestone of sobriety this week?
If you need a temporary or permanent sponsor, or are interested in being a sponsor, please put your contact info into the chat section and note that you are interested in discussing sponsorship.
Chair: me
Dollars: $
Incoming: $
Outgoing: $
Are there any other announcements or comments for the common good?
Participation in our discussion time is open to everyone.
In this meeting, we use the word "I" instead of "you" when sharing about recovery.
• We address our sharing to the whole group, not to one or more individuals.
• We avoid mentioning specific names or places associated with our acting out behavior.
And remember, our focus remains on the solution rather than the problem. We will stop the sharing and go to check-in around 5:15.
Does anyone have a recovery topic for discussion?
[someone suggests a topic, then...]
Thank you for the topic of... (restate as you understand the topic).
The floor is now open.
CHECK-IN (about 5:15)
It's time for check-in.
Each person is encouraged to share as much or as little as they like, using the following outline:
how our addiction has manifested in our lives,
how long we have been sober from sexually acting out, and
what is going on in our life that impacts our recovery.
(We will open the breakout rooms now, and will bring us all back together in about 15 minutes when we'll close today's meeting.)
• Who would like to check in first?
Remember, this is a closed meeting for sex addicts.
What you hear here, whom you see here, when you leave here, leave it here! [Here, Here!]
Please join me now for the WE version of the Serenity Prayer...
[Together] God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
Keep coming back.
It works, if you work it,
because you're worth it.