John S
3 min read
Hands in the Valley
Day 1476 • Am I overthinking everything with a hypersensitivity that accompanies the Valley of the Shadow of Death? The answer is...

John S
4 min read
Moving Memories
Four Years and Moving On... I have a very real, almost palpable, sense that if I throw something away that commemorates those...

John S
3 min read
Day 1300 • Right about Writing, or Write about Righting?
...this bizarre body-and-soul retching just happened again. It's the first time I've experienced a panic attack...

John S
1 min read
A Sense of Slippage
Day 541. I did not slip nor act out sexually, but the unwanted thoughts increased, I had days when I forgot I am an addict...

John S
1 min read
Isolation or Just Solitude?
Day 176. How do I find that balance between the benefits of solitude vs the inherent risks of my isolation...?

John S
1 min read
The Other Me
Day 175. I do not need to wallow in my shame to know that I am guilty of bad acts. Neither do I need to craft an image of some sort of...

John S
1 min read
December 30 • Balancing
Day 174. How many times have I failed to rest in the comfort of balance?

John S
1 min read
December 29 • More Presents
Day 173. These are people that have it all figured out, including the fact that none of them have it all figured out...

John S
1 min read
December 28 • UN-Forgiving
Day 172. I confused forgiveness with healing. I wanted so much to forgive and do the right things that I never really focused on healing...

John S
1 min read
December 27 • Not Alone
Day 171. I have lived a life of hiding all my imperfections at the expense of relationships, jobs, and self-esteem. This reversal...

John S
1 min read
December 26 • Who Am I?
Day 170. If the present is all I have, and I am presently trying to answer these questions, then who am I...?

John S
1 min read
Day 169 • Did They Know?
Those guys were a gift from my Higher Power and together they brought me back as much as anyone. Yet, I must remember that my addiction...

John S
1 min read
December 24 • Who Is Choosing?
Day 168. Today I choose not to seek those moments that feed my addiction. I choose today, because...

John S
1 min read
December 23 • Decisional Truth
Day 167. I can feel the difference between that and when I'm just telling the truth because it's the truth...

John S
1 min read
December 22 • Passive Progressive
Day 166. I'm learning that conflicts of ideas like this are often indicators of issues I'm denying or pain I'm hiding. I look forward...

John S
1 min read
December 21 • Make 'em Laugh
Day 165. I can see the dangers of continuing to do that, yet I am frightened at the prospect of not doing that...

John S
2 min read
December 20 • Honesty vs. Spewing
Day 164. Being eager to show how honest I've become has cost me, so I'm getting okay with answering questions more slowly...

John S
2 min read
December 19 • Starting Point(s)
Day 163 of Sobriety. I took steps I should not have taken and quickly found myself in places that I could not control...

John S
2 min read
December 18 • Cowardly Kitty
Day 527. In the storm of disagreements, we find our best friends, whether they be lovers or not. In the honesty of owning our feelings...

John S
1 min read
December 17 • Next Time
Day 526. I was already planning the next search. I always believed that the next encounter would fulfill me or ease my pain or...

John S
1 min read
December 16 • Brain Pain
Day 525. It is challenging to adapt to the diseased-reality of having a brain that has perverted my desires and goals at a biological...

John S
1 min read
December 15 • If Not Sex, What?
Day 524. I have tools. Now I am no longer trying to survive in silence and darkness. Recovery has brought me peace, where there was...

John S
1 min read
December 14 • Positive Pessimism
Day 523. It makes no sense to me that it is harder to be positive than it is to be sober. I reject that it has to be this way...

John S
2 min read
December 13 • Don't Deserve This
Day 522. Then he left, and the depression quickly began building. I could not dodge the shame of putting him in this position...

John S
1 min read
December 12 • Stepping on My Steps
Day 521. I began thinking that maybe I could turn the table and own that. It boggles my mind to think about how long I...

John S
1 min read
December 11 • Gather 'Round
Day 520. Sometimes rising to the level of criminality, these acts and their unwanted repetitions have driven people that many of us know...

John S
2 min read
December 10 • Incomparable
Day 519. I learned there was no judgment from any sex addict I've ever encountered, regardless of our relative violations...

John S
1 min read
December 09 • Respect This
Day 518. I've never understood putting this into the arena of respect or disrespect. Doing so suggests that simple decisiveness plays...

John S
1 min read
December 08 • Time & Punishment
Day 517. At one time, I was willing to accept the ultimate punishment at my own hands. Today I am far from that, so I'll accept that this...

John S
1 min read
December 07 • Shifting Bedrock
Day 516. I have had to admit that I am unable to 'fix' me through my strength. I have to create new wiring in both my brain and my belief...

John S
2 min read
December 06 • A Most Unexpected Issue
Day 515. Sometimes I fear I have wrecked that part of my life so completely that it will never come back. But the program says it will...

John S
3 min read
December 05 • Back-up the Bus
Day 513. This next thing is ridiculous to say and I don't know what it has to do with Tracy Black, but I don't remember...

John S
1 min read
December 04 • Hard to Let Go
Day 513. I get the reasoning of not holding such things against myself, but I have not yet found the release from the guilt they fed...

John S
3 min read
Day 1241 • Guilty Not Guilty
I work hard to rebuild trust with those closest to me and to do the things identified in my program that make me a better person, husband...

John S
2 min read
December 03 • Can I Help You?
Day 512. In the interest of protecting my sobriety, I've been careful not to become a 'helper' too quickly. Now, as I'm completing my...

John S
2 min read
December 02 • Serene Siren
Day 511. Perhaps it is my shame that makes me wonder whether my peace is real or fake. Everyone knows by now that I do not deserve...

John S
2 min read
December 01 • Makes No Sense
Day 501. I was going through the motions of getting help without changing any beliefs or routines. It wasn’t until someone...

John S
1 min read
November 30 • and a Side of Addiction, Please
Day 509. It was a regular reminder of my two sides and how contradictory they were to one another. This memory is more evidence to me...

John S
1 min read
November 29 • To Boldly Go...
Day 508. Boldly is a reflection of determination and honesty and has nothing to do with speed. Some steps will appear bold, like...

John S
2 min read
November 28 • My Word
Day 507. Like so many other moments of discovery in recovery, I do not understand this; neither do I question it beyond a point of...

John S
2 min read
November 27 • Gunking-up That Noise!
Day 506. Then I fell off the freaking cliff of stupidity and started searching for the air brakes. I looked first in the bottom of my...

John S
2 min read
November 26 • The Hurrier I Went...
Day 505. My patience with quarrels and discomforts have astounded me as I've been able to stay present when I would previously have run...

John S
1 min read
November 25 • 1st, 2nd, or Both
Day 504. There is a helplessness here that is a significant enemy to my well-being. Both issues are very real and very...

John S
2 min read
November 24 • Fictional Influences
Day 503. These people of my soul often dwell in my thoughts as I recall their actions and wonder about their futures. I am eager to get...

John S
2 min read
November 23 • Sonova Beach Lies
Day 502. My addict 'friend' is a lying sonofabitch whose voice is still heard — sometimes loudly and sometimes more softly...

John S
2 min read
November 22 • Inefficient Honesty
Day 501. Sometimes I tell myself I can fake it until it happens, but I've learned that such thinking is often another level of deceit...

John S
2 min read
November 21 • Sort of Secret
Day 500. I did not lose my job or my family or any more of my resources than those I spent willingly on my addiction. There are probably...

John S
1 min read
November 20 • Signage
Day 449. I often do not want to do the things I suspect I'm being led to do, so I still tend to ignore all but the most obvious of signs...

John S
1 min read
November 19 • Say What??
Day 498. I find it's still almost impossible to not hold my emotions tightly, which always results in at least a bit of isolation...

John S
1 min read
November 18 • That Me vs This Me
Day 497. Too often, that isolation could happen in a room full of people, or date-night with my wife; there were few limits on when and...